Rendering with Radiance

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For further references, see the radiosity bibliography, maintained by Ian Ashdown.


[Arv91] Arvo, James, editor. 1991. Graphics Gems II. San Diego. Academic Press.

[Arv95] Arvo, James. 1995. Applications of Irradiance Tensors to the Simulation of Non-Lambertian Phenomena. Computer Graphics, Annual Conference Series (July), 335-42.

[Ash94] Ashdown, Ian. 1994. Radiosity: A Programmer's Perspective. New York: Wiley.

[BS95] Blanc, Carole, and Christophe Schlick. 1995. A Spline Model Designed for the End-User. Computer Graphics, Annual Conference Series (July), 37-86.

[CIE73] CIE. 1973. Standardization of Luminance Distribution on Clear Skies, Publication No. 22. Paris: CIE.

[Com93] Compagnon, Raphael. 1993. Design of New Daylighting Systems Using ADELINE Software. Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, proceedings of the 3D European Conference on Architecture. Florence, Italy (May).

[Coo86] Cook, Robert. 1986. Stochastic Sampling in Computer Graphics. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 5(1) (January), 51-72.

[CPC84] Cook, Robert, Thomas Porter, and Loren Carpenter. 1984. Distributed Ray Tracing. Computer Graphics 18(3) (July), 137-47.

[CR74] Catmull, E., and R. Rom. 1974. A Class of Local Interpolating Splines. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Barnhill, R., and R. Riesenfeld, eds. San Diego: Academic Press, 317-26.

[FDFH90] Foley, James D., Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes. 1990. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice. Reading: Addison-Wesley.

[Fry54] Fry, G. A. 1954. "A Re-evaluation of the Scattering Theory of Glare," Illuminating Engineering, Vol. XlIX, p. 98.

[Gla95] Glassner, Andrew S. 1995. Principles of Digital Image Synthesis. San Fransisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

[Hec94] Heckbert, Paul S. 1994. Graphics Gems IV. Cambridge: AP Professional.

[Hil76] Hils, B.L. 1976. Visibility Under Night Driving Conditions Part III-Derivation of (Delta-L,A) Characteristics and Factors in Their Application, Australian Road Research, vol.6, no.4, Dec. 1976.

[HTSG91] He, Xiao-Dong, Kenneth Torrance, Francois Sillion, and Donald Greenberg. 1991. A Comprehensive Physical Model of Light Reflection. Computer Graphics, 25(4) (July), 175-86.

[IES83] American National Standard: Roadway Lighting (ANSI/IES RP-8). 1983. New York: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.

[IES91] Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data (LM-63-91). 1991. New York: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.

[IES93a] IESNA Lighting Handbook-8th Edition (HB-93). 1993. Mark Rea, ed. New York: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.

[IES93b] American National Standard: Roadway Lighting (ANSI/IES RP-8). 1993. New York: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.

[KA91] Kirk, David, and James Arvo. 1991. Unbiased Sampling Techniques for Image Synthesis. Computer Graphics, 25(4) (July), 153-56.

[KV93] Kittler, R., and P. Valko. 1993. Radiance Distribution on Densely Overcast Skies: Comparison with CIE Luminance Standard. Solar Energy, 51(5), 349-55

[Lit88] Littlefair, P. J. 1988. Measurements of the Luminous Efficacy of Daylight. Lighting Res. Technol., 20(4), 177-88

[LRP97] Larson, G. W., H. Rushmeier, C. Piatko. 1997. A Visibility Matching Tone Reproduction Operator for High Dynamic Range Scenes. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 3(4), 291-306.

[Mar95] Mardaljevic, J. 1995. Validation of a Lighting Simulation Program under Real Sky Conditions. Lighting Res. Technol. 27(4), 181-88.

[MT87] Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia, and Daniel Thalmann. 1987. Image Synthesis. Springer-Verlag.

[NRHGL77] Nicodemus, F. E., J. C. Richmond, J. J. Hsia, I. W. Ginsberg, and T. Limperis. 1977. Geometric Considerations and Nomenclature for Reflectance. National Bureau of Standards (US) Monograph 161.

[Ous94] Ousterhout, John K. 1994. Tcl and the Tk Toolkit. Reading: Addison-Wesley.

[Per85] Perlin, Ken. 1985. An Image Synthesizer. Computer Graphics, 19(3) (July), 287-96.

[Phi90] Phillips, E. S., et al. 1990. Vision and Visibility in Vehicular Accident Reconstruction. SAE 1990 Transactions: Journal of Passenger Cars, Section 6, v 99, paper #900369.

[Phi93] Phillips, E. S. Computer Visualization of Roadway Lighting. STV vs. Traditional Design Criteria. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Visibility and Luminance in Roadway Lighting. New York: Lighting Research Institute.

[PO83] Petherbridge, P., and D. R. Oughton. 1983. Weather and Solar Data. Build. Serv. Eng. Res. and Technol. 4(4), 147-58.

[PSM93] Perez, R., R. Seals, and R. J. Michalsky. 1993. All-Weather Model for Sky Luminance DistributionÐPreliminary Configuration and Validation. Solar Energy, 50(3), 235-45.

[Rog85] Rogers, David F. 1985. Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics. New York: McGraw-Hill.

[Rub81] Rubenstein, R. Y. 1981. Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method. New York: Wiley and Sons.

[Rus86] Rushmeier, Holly E. 1986. Extending the Radiosity Method to Transmitting and Specularly Reflecting Surfaces. Master's Thesis, Cornell University.

[Rus88] Rushmeier, Holly E. 1988. Realistic Image Synthesis for Scenes with Radiatively Participating Media. Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University.

[Rus95] Rushmeier, Holly E. 1995. Participating Media. Realistic Input for Realistic Images, Course 1 Notes, ACM Siggraph Annual Conference.

[RW94] Rushmeier, Holly, and Greg Ward. 1994. Energy-Preserving Non-linear Filters. Computer Graphics, Annual Conference Series (July).

[Sch91] Schlick, Christophe. 1991. "An Adaptive Sampling Technique for Multidimensional Integration by Ray-Tracing," Proceedings of the Second Eurographics Workshop on Rendering.

[Shi92] Shirley, Peter. 1992. Nonuniform Random Point Sets via Warping. Graphics Gems III. David Kirk, ed. Boston: AP Professional, 80-83.

[SP94] Sillion, Francois, and Claude Puech. 1994. Radiosity and Global Illumination. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

[SW92] Shirley, Peter, and Changyaw Wang. 1992. Distribution Ray Tracing: Theory and Practice. Third Annual Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, to be published by Springer-Verlag. Bristol, UK (May), 33-43.

[SWZ96] Shirley, Peter, Changyaw Wang, and Kurt Zimmerman. 1996. Monte Carlo Techniques for Direct Lighting Calculations. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 15(1) (January), 1-36.

[VG95] Veach, Eric, and Leonidas Guibas. 1995. Optimally Combining Sampling Techniques for Monte Carlo Rendering. Computer Graphics, Annual Conference Series (August), 419-28.

[War91] Ward, G. 1991. Adaptive Shadow Testing for Ray Tracing. Photorealistic Rendering in Computer Graphics. P. Brunet and F. W. Jansen, eds. Proceedings of the Second Annual Eurographics Workshop on Rendering. Barcelona: Springer-Verlag.

[War92] Ward, G. 1992. Measuring and Modeling Anisotropic Reflection. Computer Graphics. Chicago, IL (July).

[WCG87] Wallace, John, Michael Cohen, and Donald Greenberg. 1987. A Two-pass Solution to the Rendering Equation: A Synthesis of Ray Tracing and Radiosity Methods. Computer Graphics, 21(4) (July), 311-20.

[WH92] Ward, G., and P. Heckbert. 1992. Irradiance Gradients. Third Annual Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, to be published by Springer-Verlag. Bristol, UK (May).

[Whi80] Whitted, Turner. 1980. An Improved Illumination Model for Shaded Display. Communications of the ACM, 23(6) (June), 343-49.

[WR88] Ward, G., and F. Rubinstein. 1988. A New Technique for Computer Simulation of Illuminated Spaces. Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 17(1) (Winter).

[WRC88] Ward, G., F. Rubinstein, and R. Clear. 1988. A Ray Tracing Solution for Diffuse Interreflection. Computer Graphics 22(4).

[WS67] Wyszecki, G., and W. S. Stiles. 1967. Color Science. New York: Wiley and Sons.