Before creating a high quality rendering, it is best to validate your scenario in the interactive rendering program rview. To do this, simply render your image in the Interactive Mode. This is the default mode setting in the Simulation Setup Dialog Box. Once you are satisfied with the geometry, views, materials, and all other aspects of your model, then it is time to start a high quality rendering. In the Simulation Manager dialog box select the scenario that you would like to create a high quality rendering of and give it a new name as indicated. Once the Simulation Setup Dialog Box appears select Batch as the mode choice. A batch rendering will render the image of your model at a far greater resolution than your monitor resolution. Then click the ADVANCED button in the Simulation Setup dialog box and select the RENDERING tab. First select High or Medium quality for your rendering. Then enter the final resolution that you would like. A good recommended final resolution for high quality renderings is 1024 x 1024. Last, select the amount of over sampling that you would like. Over sampling reduces the "jaggies". Although be careful with this setting, each incremental increase of over sampling can quadruple your rendering time. A fairly high quality rendering can also be created without increasing the oversampling ratio or with different variations on the above mentioned settings in the Advanced Calculation dialog boxes.