When paying for the purchase of ADELINE via electronic funds transfer, please follow these instructions:

  1. Convert all funds to US Dollars
  2. Issuing bank must be a US money center bank
  3. The amount of the wire shall be $470.00 to cover LBNL's $20.00 wire tranfer fee to Bank of America.
  4. Address the wire transfer as follows:
  5. Financial Institution:Bank of America, San Francisco, CA
    Customer Service Americas Office
    1850 Gateway Blvd. 4th Floor
    Concord, CA 94520
    ATTN: Terri Peach
    ABA Routing Code:12100035-8
    Depositor Account #:12335-57248
    Account Name:Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    LBNL Sub-Account:3012-20
    LBNL Sub-Account Name:ADELINE Licensing ATTN: Shirley Tanaka

  6. When the transfer has been sent, FAX a copy of the wire transfer documents, the ADELINE order form and the ADELINE license agreement signed by you to Shirley Tanaka at: (510) 486-5995
  7. To ensure that your ADELINE order is processed as quickly as possible, you can also FAX a copy of the order form, license agreement and wire transfer documents to Charles Ehrlich at: (510) 486-4089.
  8. Mail an original copy of the signed license agreement and ADELINE order form to Charles Ehrlich at the address indicated on the Order Form.

  9. Webmaster contact information.
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    Last changed: September 23, 1996 by webmaster