Advanced Daylighting and Electric Lighting Integrated New Environment

Predicting Daylighting and Lighting Performance in Complex Building Spaces

ADELINE is an integrated lighting design computer tool developed by an international research team within the framework of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Solar Heating and Coolong Programme Task 12.

ADELINE provides architects and engineers with accurate information about the behaviour and the performance of indoor lighting systems. Both natural and electrical lighting problems can be solved, in simple rooms or the most complex spaces.

ADELINE produces innovative and reliable lighting design results by processing a variety of data (including:geometric, photometric, climatic, optic and human response) to perform light simulations and to produce comprehensive numeric and graphic information.

ADELINE contains SCRIBE-MODELER as CAD interface, the (day-)lighting tools SUPERLITE and RADIANCE and the link to energy simulation tools using SUPERLINK. ADELINE runs under MS-DOS.

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Last changed: September 23, 1996 by